A creative party game for non-creative people. Tell a story with changing elements using wit, knowledge, life experiences or by spinning a fib. All profits from this game are going to fund the Aquafir Project. - Currently pending redesign.
A strategy dice game for 2 to 6 people. The luck of the roll may give you the points to win or may give you the opportunity to sabotage your opponents. Easy to learn but not always easy to win. Estimated $75K in revenue over 3 years, can increase with marketing. Revenue can also be increased with a port to app (Development based on reception), profits made off cosmetic addon sales. Limited image based advertising may be considered for companies devoted to sustainability (will not interfere with gameplay).
The game of Academic Sabotage. A board game for 2 to 10 players, do what it takes to win the elusive and prized tenure position before your opponents. (Fully developed and sourced, coming to kickstarter soon.) This game's main goal is more brand awareness and funding second. Estimated $25K in revenue over 3 years.
The Framework of Change
A book written by the founder and current president of The Aquifer Project during their decades long journey to design an organizational system that has sustainable, positive effect on the world. What they found was the naturally occuring model of change that every major ideology reflects at least in part if not completely. Link will be added soon, can be found on Amazon and Kindle.
Political change app
This app encourages people to be engaged in American politics by using things that are 100% American to do it. Not only will this engage our culture to be more civicly aware but could potentially bring millions a year to funding the Aquifer Project. Recieved quotes for development, will start once funding threshold has been met by other fundraisers. Some details can be discussed with donars/members after signing of non-disclosure agreement.
Consent app
An app to make dating and social interactions safer. Many unique features and safety enhancments make this app something that could start true social sustainability in the dating world. (In development.) Primary goal of this app will be sustainability, revenue will come from $1(+ based on development/implimentation cost projections) intitial purchase cost, no microtransactions or advertising allowed within the app for privacy of the user.
Media App
The media app is an unprecedented shift in news and reporting that will bring together the most socially sustainable aspects of quality journalism and technology. This news/media source will give outlets that are currently acting in good faith an additional channel to reach their audience while denying the same outreach to corrupted messaging (Fake news). We are not saying everything here, details can be disclosed with donars/members after signing of a non-disclosure agreement. This app will be resource intensive, but also has the potential to generate massive amounts of sustainable income for the Aquifer Project. Not only will this generate funding but will bring gobal brand awareness and make massive inroads to environmental, social and economical sustainability.