How to Join

Phase 1 is about building infrasructure to build what we all want collectively but can't do individually

Industry and bureaucracy have made it clear, they won't be responsible for long term success of the planet and the people. We are here to take up that role. We will be the collaboration that brings collective sustainability, environmentally, socially and economically.

Join us as a partner is easy as filing out a form - but the form is pending so email us at or



- Bring your message, goals and products directly to the people that are looking for them

- Establish a partnership with an organization that has the local and global networks that can kickstart your sustainability initiatives

- Get actionable open source data on sustainability market factors. Primarily productivity, profitability, processes and product devlopment

- Your one stop shop to find business consultants with a holistic approach that includes long term sustainaiblity

- Let those you are accountable to, including accounting, that this partnership costs you nothing. Although our value to you grows with donations


- Be part of a network that understands that collective change needs cooperative action

- Establish partnerships that can kickstart your social, economic and environmental sustainability / justice intiatives.

- Collaborate locally or globally to overcome barriers that are impossible to do alone

- Connect in person with the communities you are trying to reach at our local hubs

- Educate your organization or the public through open source data collection and sharing



Rsources where you need them

Between our community hubs and various information sources, we will provide everything you need to build a future that has more tomorrow than it has today. We offer consulting. Our hubs have trained professionals and classea. We are developing website and apps to easily lead you to the resources, products and services that you need in a way that moves us all forward.

Community Gatherings


Social Media

Tribel Link

Mastodon Link

Invest Your Time

It's never too early to start working with us towards sustainability, here are the current roles we need filled. More positions will open as we reach our milestones. All volunteers will become entry level members of the Aquifer Project and get provisional voting powers along with invitions to exclusive member events.

Give and Get

Look on our fundraiser page for our current funding events.

Donate to build sustainability today


We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due