Sustainability Hubs

Your Local Center for Sustainability

Community Connections

Inform - Our trained staff can help you find the resources, tools or solutions that can bring sustainability to your life.

Connect - Attend classes and seminars to build your sustainability skills. Join groups that fit your lifestyle.

Interact - Work with our repair, reuse, recycle center to make money or save money. Buy local in our marketplace and food court.

Coordination for Change

Inform - We welcome organizations with a shared mission to share our Sustainability Hub network.

Connect - No need to search for a location to organize change, simply reserve your place at the local sustainability hub.

Interact - Join our weekly meetings and connect with other organizations. Collective change needs collaborative action.

Corporate Collaborations

Inform - Attend seminars and classes as either an attendee or a speaker. Gain direct feedback from the public.

Connect - If your business is making a difference, let us connect you to the investors and customers you need to succeed.

Interact - Empower your sustainability intiatives by working with local sustainability hubs to provide the tools only we can provide.


Santa Clara - In Funding and partnerships stage

email us at if you are interested in selling, shopping or partnering in any other way through our store, this will help us secure funding. You can also donate to us directly.

Santa Rosa - In Planning Stage

Your home town - Email us at if you want a community store in your town. If you want us to come to your home town quicker, collect signatures of people and businesses that want to partner with us. You can also collect donation pledges and when you reach the funding goal you will be at the top of the list.


All locations will be owned and operated by The Aquifer Project. We will make every effort to staff locally. As a non-profit, any and all profits made from locations will go into our mission of bringing accessability to sustainability, with a designated amount reinvested in projects directly tied to the community that the store is located in.

We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due