The Academy

Developing the Solutions for Sustaianbility

Academy Mission

An aquifer is an underground reservoir of water that is renewed by the rain trapped by living plants, filtered through the soil. Deforestation and removal of wetlands turns rain into floods that reduce aquifer replenishment and removes the soil. When the water levels drops the wells go dry, the aquifer collapses, the ground sinks, floods take away the nutrients that keep the remaining plants alive, wildlife dies, leaving a barren wasteland.

Humanity's drive has made us the greatest engine of change on this planet, in the name of progress we have passed the point of balance, in the name of profit we are draining the earth dry. We are now at a turning point in the evolution of humanity where we can die as parasites or thrive as symbiotes. The Academy will test solutions we have, develop solutions we need and research solutions for the future. The academy will focus on developing the information we need to make a difference and sharing that information with everyone who wants it.

Academy Method

Through the local hubs, we will be able to find out what solutions and tools are available and what ones still need to be developed. The academy will be able to conduct studies on current and developing sustainability methods with data collected at our local hubs.

The academy's goal is to become the worlds leading authority on sustainability. Providing tools and solutions for corporations, governments and individuals so we can work together torwards a more plentiful future. Our experts can conduct seminars and training all over the globe, bringing accessability to sustainability.


Planning Stage

email us at if you want to help establish The Aquifer Project Academy or if you have land to donate.

We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due