Economic Sustainability

Making sure we have more tomorrow than we have today

How to be Economically Sustainable

Economics is what we take form the earth, how it gets around and how we use it. Everything we have was once a plant, an animal or a naturally occurring element. Big picture economic sustainability cannot happen without environmental sustainability.

- Whatever you take, make sure it can be replaced. This includes employee stress, resources, suppliers, food, everything.

- Just like money, things do work when they are used. Holding on to things is a waste of things.

- Live as local as you can. Putting resources into your community means your community, with you being part of it, has more money.

- Find joy in the world and the life around you, not the materials you can hoard.

Together we can enrich the world instead of draining it, sharing a paradise together instead of dying to own a chunk of rock.

Economic Sustainability Needs The Aquifer Project

The earth is a closed system, what we take out is gone, what we put in stays. There are ways to make sure we will always have more resources tomorrow than we do today, but we need to start putting those solutions in to practice, show people that living better is a better way to live, demonstrate to those with the loudest voices that we can live in a way that gives more than it takes.

Our economy is a war to see who can hoard the most resources and unfortunately, like every war, the people who are losing the most are those with least to lose. We need a way for communities to keep their resources local, to enrich themselves as much as they enrich the world. We need a way for people to build their own economic security. We need the Aquifer Project.

The differences we will make together

There are four ways our project will bring accessibility to economic sustainability.

The Academy

Environmental sustainability means those that work closely with the land will always have more tomorrow than they have today. The solutions that the Academy shares will provide long term profits for everyone.

The Community Store

The store provides local business a platform to grow. The reuse, repair, resell, recycle hub, creates supplemental income opportunities. The income brought in gives the project the sustainability it needs.

Local Outreach

The experts working at the community stores will direct business to companies that give more than they take so people can support sustainability. We offer skills classes so people can better sustain their own economy.

Our Community

By building our own businesses that promote all three types of sustainability we will be building economic sustainability within our own organization and for our members. We will be an example of a collaborative society.

We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due