The differences we will make together
There are four ways our project will bring accessibility to economic sustainability.
There are four ways our project will bring accessibility to economic sustainability.
Every local hub is a free exchange of the tools, connections and solutions for a world that has more tomorrow than it has today. If your business is part of that world, you are part of our mission
Every hub contains a store for local goods and is a reuse, repair, resell, recycle hub. We not only give a market to local business, but we spread the word about local positive impact products and services
Environmental sustainability means those that work closely with the land will always have more tomorrow than they have today. The foundations built at the academy will keep the whole world working forever
By building businesses grounded in all three types of sustainability, all of our members will equally share in our sustainability. Our mission will profit surounding communities as much as it profits us
We have one world to live in.
What we do in it matters
We have been taking out loans
All life as collateral
But the payment has now come due