Social Sustainability

Making sure the way we live improves the lives of people around us

How to be Socially Sustainable

Society is the people around you and how we choose to live together. Everything we do either improves the lives of others or makes it worse. Social sustainability cannot happen without economic sustainability.

- Whatever you take, make sure you give back more. This includes resources, cleanliness and organization, happiness, everything.

- It doesn't cost anything to give out positive energy, the more you improve the lives of people around you the more they can improve yours.

- Live as local as you can. Putting resources into your community means your community, with you being part of it, becomes a better place to live.

- Find joy in the world and the life around you, not the materials and resources you can hoard.

Together we can enrich the world instead of draining it, sharing a paradise together instead of dying to own a chunk of rock.

Social Sustainability Needs The Aquifer Project

Our world is stuck in imperialism, a fight to become the next world power. This is done through exploitation and capitalizing on people and resources. Even something as simple as inflation is corrected by limiting the amount of money poor people can spend instead of limiting the amount of money companies can charge.

We need another way to live, a collaborative society instead of a competitive one. Competition gives us innovation and growth, it's time to add in some sustainability and stability. There are many people trying to do this but we need a hub to empower the people that need it. We need the Aquifer Project.

The differences we will make together

There are four ways our project will bring accessibility to social sustainability.

The Academy

Not every solution will work for everyone, they must be researched and tested so people can have access to the right solution that works for them. Sustainability must be collaborative to be effective.

The Community Store

Sustainability cannot be owned by those who have driven us into the unsustainable cycle we have now. At the community store everyone equal access to sustainability, a way to live that gives more than takes.

Local Outreach

As a hub for sustainability, the community store connects government and non-profits to bring social solutions to those that need them. Connecting people and resources for projects that promote equality.

Our Community

Jobs and opportunities with The Aquifer Project are based on personal actions and not the person. Businesses will be operated under the non-profit, all profits going to the project, citizens and communities.

We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due