The Community

A Place to Experience Sustainability

Experience a better way to live

The Aquifer Project is more than just a way to connect those who can with those who dream, we want to build that dream with the people that want a better way to live. There are many goals for our communities, many of them will be decided by the people that live there but here are some key goals.

  • - Test new and existing products and solutions so we can measure both sustainability and any impact to how we each live.

  • - Provide the necessities for those that join us to live for a better future. A place to build the businesses that will bring sustainable revenue to our project.

  • - Team with industry to test sustainable solutions for profitability and viability in an ideal test market, developing options when industry falls short.

  • - Training and certifying business and environmental sustainability experts in an academic setting within an immersive environment.

  • - Normalize a cost benefit mindset that includes long term cost to public health and the world we rely on.

  • - Building a community where art and beauty is never lost, but built on for generations.

Finding the best way to include sustainability that each one of us can take will be our main goal. Simple steps like changing to plant oil based products and making standardized glass containers we can reduce all household trash to compost, reusable glass and recyclable metal. More complex steps like testing housing designs for what is both sustainable, comfortable and livable for different climates. Large steps like infrastructure and city designs can also have a major impact on making sustainable living possible.


Santa Clara - In Funding and partnerships stage. Will officially begin once Santa Clara community store is open.

email us at if you are interested in becoming part of our community or want to test sustainable solutions within the community. You can also donate to us directly.

Santa Rosa - In Planning Stage

Your home town - Email us at if you a community in your town. We will help you raise funding and expectations of what it means to be part of the Aquifer Project.


We are looking for answers to help our dying world, and NO is always an answer. We must be willing to fail, and then look for a different path to success. Failure is not to be feared if you are prepared for it, this is one of the reasons we will have so many funding streams, contracts and long term plans. If, however, the failure is too big to continue we will liquidate our assets to meet our obligations and donate the rest directly to a third party sustainability non-profit party or program. Even though we are prepared for the worst we definitely will dedicate all of our efforts to the best because if we all work towards sustainability together the best is yet to come.

We have one world to live in.

What we do in it matters

We have been taking out loans

All life as collateral

But the payment has now come due